The MoreSun Story


MoreSun is the result of more than a decade of research, development, and field trials. It all began with research in nano-scale coatings by Oregon State University (OSU) Professors Chih-hung (Alex) Chang, Jimmy Yang and Brian Paul and graduate student, Seung-Yeol Han. In 2009, this team of researchers joined with industry veterans John de Vos and Scott Weaver to further develop and commercialize their cutting edge research.

Professor Chih-Hung Chang, Oregon State University.

Professor Chih-Hung Chang, Oregon State University.

In its commercialization journey from advanced research to practical applications, the company, CSD Nano (the predecessor company to Pellucere Technologies®), received grants from the National Science Foundation, the Oregon NanoSciences and MicroTechnology Institute (ONAMI), and VertueLab (formerly Oregon’s BEST).

In 2014, the company perfected and patented a unique, low-temperature curing AR Coating that it called MoreSun®. After extensive field trials, development of a unique and patented field deposition system, and further refinement of the formulations, the company began commercial-scale trials in 2017. In 2018, CSD Nano received a significant investment from Energy Innovation Capital, a leading venture fund focused on innovative technologies for the energy sector. The company was renamed Pellucere Technologies and in 2019 it began delivering commercial-scale deployments of MoreSun as well as its other related products.

Pellucere Technologies is actively developing a number of new coatings products that build on its core nano-technology. You can learn more about some of our upcoming products lines here.
